2024 Candidates — Montana Libertarian Party

2024 Montana Libertarian Party Candidates


Sid Daoud (Kalispell)

Libertarian Candidate, US Senate

“There has never been a more urgent time in our history for the United States to focus on individual liberty, federal fiscal responsibility, and rebuilding our economy through an unfettered free market. Curbing Federal overreach immediately is critical to the long-term health of the United States.”

In 2016, I became more interested in local politics. Leaning on the values I was raised with, I wanted to make an impact locally!

The United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights forms the core of my principals. Any issue I consider has to pass through the crucible of enhancing individual rights or support for the community free market.

With the troubling rise of pointless infighting and corruption found in politics and government, I have come to realize that I can no longer wait for someone else to help create a better climate and help instill Montanan principals

- it’s time for me to roll up my sleeves and get to work!

Website: libertysid.com

Connect on:

Instagram at sidfishez

Facebook at SidForUSSenate

X (Twitter) Daoud4Liberty

YouTube @siddaoud8723

Kaiser Leib

Libertarian Candidate, Montana Governor

Kaiser was born in Kalispell and graduated from Thompson Falls High School and the University of Montana. He's running because he's disgusted with the current administration's oppressive stance on social issues, massive tax hikes, and despotic attitude and with the Democrat challenger's position on gun rights and the role of government. 

A repeatedly failed tech entrepreneur, successful real estate investor, and mediocre stand-up comedian, Kaiser was raised with Libertarian values, and hopes to spread the ideas of liberty to Montana voters. https://kaiserformontana.us/

Connect on:

Website: kaiserformontana.us

X (Twitter) KaiserForMT

John Lamb

Libertarian Candidate, SECRETARY OF STATE

Whether running for office or helping his fellow man by advocating, or by lending a helping hand in everyday life, John Lamb is concerned about the issues facing all of us.
In 2020 John Lamb ran for a seat in Montana State Senate.

In 2022 he ran for US Congress in Montana’s Western District.

John doesn’t wait for the state. Instead of asking the taxpayers he organized the search & rescue effort for Austin King, a missing hiker in Yellowstone National Park. Roger Roots also spent a fair amount of time looking for Austin and posted some videos from the search and rescue efforts. Here is one John’s post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/john.lamb.16121/videos/520758967441588

Although John hates being put in a box, he had to choose a party in order to run or to be put on the ballot, according to Montana law. The Libertarian party is the only one that he could conscientiously align himself with, while still standing for conservative values and against government overreach.

John has been a very vocal and strong supporter of the North Carolina Missionaries who were wrongly attacked in Ennis, Montana. After the attack the children and wife were separated from the husband. CPS took the children and the family fought for two long years against the baseless charges filed against the family by the AG.

Now, two years later and with the help of many people but especially the tireless work of John Lamb all charges have been dropped. Montana is fortunate to have someone so dedicated to the cause of justice.

Connect on:

Website johnlamblastfreeman.com

Facebook: John on Facebook

X (Twitter): @Last_Free_Man

Richard L. Armerding

Libertarian Candidate, Montana House District 97

Born of American parents in Peru and raised in the U.S., Philippines, Hong Kong and Kenya.  

Member of the Libertarian Party since 1974 (life member).  Christian since 1998.

Earned a BBA from the Univ. of Hawaii (1973) and an MBA from The Wharton School (1979).

Worked in the family business until 1977.  After graduate school, worked in international banking in the U.S., Spain, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain until 2006.  Career mainly in corporate and industrial banking.  Retired.

Served in the U.S. Army Reserve for sixteen years; resigned commission as a Major in the Finance Corps.

Private pilot licenses from Kenya and U.S.  Sailing licenses from Spain and Canada.  Advanced Scuba Diver certificate from PADI.  Enthusiastic bird watcher.

Roger Roots

Libertarian Candidate, Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court

Roger is a lawyer, educator and libertarian activist who has previously campaigned as a Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, Secretary of State (twice), and State Auditor.   Roger’s previous run for Clerk of the Supreme Court garnered a higher percentage of Libertarian votes in any state-level statewide race for any Libertarian candidate nationwide (some 6%). 

Roger Roots fights for individual liberty every day of his life.  He regards government as the greatest source of evil, violence, danger, and poverty in the western world. 

Roger states that he has cost the U.S. Department of Justice more than any lawyer in his law school class.  He worked on the Bundy defense teams in Oregon and Nevada where the U.S. government spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to wrongly convict the Bundy family (and dozens of others) of crimes they did not commit.

Roger is also a constitutional scholar and professor who has taught at UNLV, Jarvis Christian College and the New York Institute of Technology.  His studies on the history of early American search and seizure law, grand juries, and early policing have been cited by many scholars and courts. 

Roger Roots is a fourth-generation Montanan who grew up in Big Timber and now lives outside Livingston.  He has spent much of the past year as a January 6 defense lawyer in Washington, DC.  He is also founder of a university called Lysander Spooner University—the world’s first truly anti-government university. 

Roger advocates smaller, weaker government in every dimension.  He will slash budgets and eliminate the role of government in Montanans’ lives wherever he can.

Roger and John Lamb both spent considerabla amounts of time and resources searching for the missing climber Austin King in Yellowstone National Park this October. https://www.facebook.com/roger.roots.90/videos/908979397236512

Kevin Leatherbarrow

Libertarian Candidate, HOUSE DISTRICT 23

Kevin was raised in farm country, and it is here he fell in love with the outdoors. Kevin’s love for hunting and fishing started at a very young age. At one point Kevin wanted to become a professional fisherman. Although that never came to be, he could always be found in the woods. Kevin is the adopted son of Vincent Leatherbarrow, a GM worker and Jane Leatherbarrow an elementary teacher and the owner of a preschool in Lancaster New York. Kevin was born with ADHD and Dyslexia. This made his education a challenge. He graduated from Lancaster High with a special education degree in 1990. 

During his time in school, he played hockey, football, baseball, ran track and was on the rifle team. Kevin also attended a building trade program during his 11th and 12th grade where he learned to build homes. Straight out of high school he used those skills and worked in the construction field as a framer. Kevin worked on one of his relatives’ farms during his final year of high school and continued for 18 years. Here Kevin found his lifelong mentor Ron Smith, a family member and dear friend that taught him many life skills he still falls back on today. His biggest takeaway he learned was just how much hard work and dedication it took to make a living off the land. 

Moving later into life as he started raising a family he worked in the medical field where he worked as a LPN in pediatrics in Group Homes. This led to working in substance rehab housing as a manager. In his 30’s he decides to return to school. With two children to provide for Kevin went back to college and received three degrees including his master’s in education from University at Buffalo. While working on his Master program Kevin fell ill and he later found out he had cancer. While fighting cancer he completed the program and went on to become a teacher. 

Kevin started his teaching in the inner-city schools of Buffalo NY. He worked in some of the lower end income schools where reading, writing, and math achievement was low. The schools also were rampant with gang activity which proved to be a real challenge.   

Kevin moved to Utah in 2010 where he took a teaching job as a 9th and 10th grade English teacher in a Charter School tailored for Special Education. Kevin quickly moved up the latter and became the lead member of the IEP team, and behavioral team. He also headed the first responder team that oversaw any emergency including active shooters. Kevin was also one of few who carried a firearm in school for the protection of students and staff. One of Kevin biggest achievements during his time was bringing his students in both the 9th and 10th to 80 percent proficiency four years in a row. 

During his time in Utah Kevin had a family tragedy. His daughter fell ill and was diagnosed with Juvenile Systemic Arthritis. After a long fight Kevin and his daughter overcame serious health challenges and the Arthritis went into remission.   

Kevin’s goal was always to make it to Montana, so he took a teaching position on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in 2015. Kevin’s life revolves around education, and the outdoors. He moved his family to Great Falls later in 2016 where they now reside. He and his wife have a 6 year old adopted boy and two adult children from a previous marriage. 

Kevin and his wife Annie opened a family run tutoring center in 2017 where they school homeschoolers K-12, advocate for children who receive Special Education services in public schools and after school tutoring. During Covid Kevin and Annie kept their small business open mask free. They never shut down or took federal or state money, feeling there would be too many strings attached.   

Kevin has run for the State Senate 2018, State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2020 and Great Falls public School Board in 2021. His main platforms are school choice, school safety, closing the achievement gaps and fiscal responsibility.

Connect on:

Facebook at @kevin.leatherbarrow

X (Twitter) @KevinLeath61732

Sam Ayres

Hill County Commissioner

Sam Ayres is a Libertarian candidate running for Hill County Commissioner. While a transplant to Montana, he is a hunter, angler, and homesteader who is passionate about preserving our Montana way of life.

With a background in project management, he brings experience in managing substantial budgets and a commitment to promoting transparency and accountability within county government.

Sam believes in the importance of local governance that prioritizes individual freedoms and minimizes government interference in the lives of citizens.

To support Sam’s campaign and learn more about his vision for Hill County

Connect on:

Website: sam4hillcounty.com

Instagram at @sam4hillcounty

Facebook at facebook.com/sam4hillcounty

X (Twitter) @sam4hillcounty

Elena Gagliano

Libertarian Candidate, HOUSE DISTRICT 76

Dennis Hayes